Who is Arbin Safety Products?

Who is Arbin Safety Products?

02 February 2022

In the field of respiratory protection, we are no strangers. However, we’d be happy to give you a brief overview of our company and what we’re all about.

Who are we?

Arbin Safety Products is no newcomer to the respiratory protection market, with a history dating back to 1916 when the great-grandfather of current product developer Karel van der Grinten developed an airline breathing apparatus. Since then, many different models have been developed and additional products such as drop belts and protective clothing were added to the product range. After selling the company to a US manufacturer in 2002, Karel founded Arbin Safety Products in 2013 to develop innovative respiratory protection products. These products are now sold both nationally and internationally.

What we are doing?

As a manufacturer of respiratory protection equipment, we oversee every step in production, from conceptualizing solutions to assembling final products. Each Kite is thus fully assembled by our team and meticulously inspected. To offer optimal service, production is deliberately kept in-house. Should any part exhibit defects over time, resolving the issue in our workshop is straightforward.

What sets us apart?

Often respiratory protection is ignored because it is uncomfortable or because the protection makes work more difficult. In the development of our products, we always focus on ease of use and wearing comfort combined with optimal protection. This is also how the Arbin Kite was developed. An air hood in which the filter, drive motor, and battery are incorporated in the unit on top of the mask, meaning no more hoses to a back unit and complete freedom of movement. By incorporating everything on the mask, the Kite can be used within seconds. So compared to other respiratory protection equipment, there are only advantages. There is no more excuse to disregard respiratory protection and this is the only way to deliver an actual safety product!

Want to know more? Get in touch with us!

Curious about the possibilities for your company or organisation? Get in touch and we will be happy to help.